Thursday, February 01, 2007


It's a full moon tonight and it shows. Things here at the Oasis are tumultuous, but we still manage to pull through. Last week I had some technical difficulties when I tried to update the ol' blog, but that's more or less worked out now. Here are some of tonight's gems from writing group. Enjoy.

Life's Accord, by Greatness

Making a change for self-improvement to date requires a unique assortment of resloves when, due to many arbitrary challenges maintained by forces of questionable interests, life bears no relevant texture, lest through inadvertance one would cater to the afflictives and thus forfeit an overall and timely purpose. Since the human experience can only be of what the spirit wills, projective instance cannot be without some frills. No direct intent to rhyme is presented, yet it will only reflect truth in the area of being total within and fitfully capable of expressing valid potential outwardly from the properly preserved point of being. It is alleged that life is too short or that one can only do so much, therefore, setting it altogether to make it all worth-while can only be achieved through a set commitment held true to one's exact purpose or desire. So keeping it real can be such a great deal or doing just what you like or whatever you feel.

What I'm Looking Forward To, by Andi

I'm looking forward to getting some one-on-one counseling. I feel like I am always having to defend myself. I am constantly on the defensive.

I'm tired of fighting. I want to work, but I'm not longer sure of what I can do. I need something to fill the time.

I try really hard to think; whatever is meant to be will be.

I'm tired of people taking advantage of me. But I think I'm getting stronger in that respect.

The fact that I am getting older and uglier is really taking a toll on me. I have had image issues all my life, but now those issues are becoming more intense.

I keep wondering if I am the person people perceive me to be.

Looking Forward, By Dilly Scott

Looking forward to a peaceful place where I can sleep until dawn or noon and have a furry friend and no one to holler for beer or anything at 3am. I can open the door when I'm ready, have a dead-bolt, and read the Psalms to the cat, have some music and dream of more.

I do not feel too old to dream.

I miss the "strawberry roan." I want to look forward to making new friends. I feel as if I should find a way to fix something first. No more pussy-footing around. I do want to read the Psalms and the Song of Solomon.


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