Monday, May 28, 2007

joyful joy

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Things have been busy at the Oasis. But here are stome stories from last week's group. The suggestion made by one of our participants was for people to write a story about the best thing they could think of. I expanded the suggestion to cover best memories and best fantasies. Here's what they came up with:

The Birth of my First Grandchild, by Anonymous Woman

When I was told about my youngest son's wife being pregnant, I was just thrilled and overcom ewith joy. My first grandchild!

When my son's wife was six months along, I went shopping crazy! I bought over $300.00 worth of baby things. Bassanet, crib, changing table, stroller, car seat, two baby carriers, one for the front and one for the back, over $50.00 in clothes and diapers, lotions, bath soap, baby powder, diaper rash cream, bottles and nipples, powdered milk, juices, bowl and spoons, cereal, blankets and sheets for the crib and bassonet, diaper pail, etc, etc.

Oct 30, 1993, a day before Halloween, she went into labor. I know the people on the labor and delivery floor from working there before. So I was able to be in the delivery room. I got to hold my first grandson and it was awesome!

Memory, by Dilly Scott

One of the sweetest things I remember was that Teddy, Kiki and I went out early one October morning and it was the last nice weekend of the summer in 1990. I loved the kitten at first sight. His tail was short. He was about three and a half months old. I was going to put Teddy back long enough to see about him, but Mr. Lambert handed me Fuzzy saying they wanted him safe so they could go to the beach. He was the third kitty, so I put him on my dad's tummy and he woke up to a sweet, cute, orange and white face. We argued a little, but it was just over his name. My dad was delighted. So we had Fuzzy for two years. I miss him yet. He was cuddly.

The Power of Lonliness, by Andi

My fantasy would be to have someone who cared for me, to hug me and want to be with me. Then we would win the lottory and just enjoy each other for the rest of our lives, with a house full of animals of course.

I am severely tired of being alone. For some reason lately the "S" word has been running through my mind, but I know that would be wrong and extremely selfish. We have to stick it out no matter how bad things get.

Why do we live in such a superficial society? I wonder why "superficial" is an actual, existing word? Why does it exist? I guess it's here to give us something to endure. Some kind of test.


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