Sometimes the folks in group write stuff that's so personal and so touching, it brings tears into the eyes of this crusty old captain. That's just what happened tonight. I used a prompt that was suggested by one of my coworkers. The prompt: write a letter to yourself when you were younger and say all the things you wish you could say to that younger self. The results were pretty cool:
Dear Mariyah (at age 10),
I am you at 23. I am writing to help you through some things. First of all, in seven years, just after your 17th birthday, your mother will die. This will be a major turning point in your life. A lot of people will be put in your path to help you along the way. Let them help. Beginning with your Aunt Evelyn. You will be sent to live with her. Just do whatever she wants you to do, trust me, it will all work out better in the end if you do.
Second, you will go to Job Corps at 19 for medical assitance training. Afterwards, you will have a prime opportunity to move to Lincoln City. That's fine, but whatever you do, stay out of Taft! Don't befriend a man named Andy that you meet at the bus stop. He will get you hooked on shit that will take you years to overcome. Be strong.
You will be very lonely in Lincoln City due to lack of family and the mom-shaped hole in your heart. But don't fear, because Christine will be your rock while you are there. Again, I tell you little one, be strong. That's the best advice I can give you at this time.
Love, Me.
Dear Dilly,
I know there was some money, but not a lot, for college. Don't give up on having a super stock car or anything else you thought the Lord would bless you with. I know it can be better to be alone than with the wrong people. Follow your heart always.
Best Wishes,