Tuesday, August 29, 2006

changing seasons

Last week in group, one of our participants suggested we write about the changing seasons. The air was getting cooler, the days shorter, even the light slanting in the windows was a little different and everyone seemed to be feeling it. Here are some pieces inspired by the change in season:

Autumn is Coming, by Anonymous Woman

It is the end of August and it feels more like October. There is a briskness in the air and it is overcast. I like autumn, it's my favorite season. It always has been. I like the colors of the crunching leaves, I like the autumn clothing, the way the air feels and the anticipation of the holidays. I don't even mind the rain, especially now that I have a place to live. I am looking forward to the inclement weather of autumn. I think I'd like to write a poem about autumn and the holidays:

The crisp air and crunch beneath my feet
make me forget the summer heat.
The overcast sky and the fresh smell of rain
make me happy and help me forget my pain.
The holiday shoppers will soon be out in full force
shopping for their loved ones and themselves, of course.
People seem kinder as though they believe in Santa
and always exchange pleasant banter.
The kindness in the air could never be wrong,
too bad it couldn't last all year long.
If people could bottle the happiness they feel
they could use it throughout the year when things seem surreal
May this year we capture the nostalgia and love too
and use it to see us the entire year through.

With The Change of Seasons, by Dilly Scott

It makes me wonder if several people wanted something or didn't want something if it could actually affect even the weather. That almost seems like that's the reason for white caps on the ocean.

I want everyone to reach their full potential in a positive manner, it's dischord to want to hurt even a machine.

The first cool day of summer to me is sad and all the nice days until Thanksgiving are cherished and I hope to make new friends, please people. Sometimes short days are frustrating and I love Easter. The first warm days are what I look forward to and then going somewhere on a vacation, enjoying being outside. I'd rather spend part of Thanksgiving and Christmas in church and celebrate the change in weather by a quick Thank You prayer and enjoy the beautiful plants in Spring.


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