Friday, August 18, 2006

the impact of the oasis

I promise I never ask people in writing group to sing the praises of the Oasis, but they often include some very nice things about the program in the things they write. Reading these unsolicited compliments always surprises me and reminds me what an incredible impact the program has. Here's a recent piece from writing group, written by a member of the group who left the program briefly and returned soon after.

Back at the Oasis, by Anonymous Woman

I'm at the Oasis. I had left for a week to go back East and now I'm back. When I got back I was so relieved that a bed was still available to me. I was so tired. It's been about a month and I'm back in the swing of things. Everyday I'm grateful that I'm off the street. The Oasis really takes care of its clients: they are housed, well fed, medications are provided as well as support from the staff and whatever else they can provide 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. I feel it's an excellent program and I'm glad to be a part of it.

When I get housing, I'd like to get a pet. After I have a job and be sure I can feed it. I'd like a cat. I know that after I get housing I'll come back and visit often. I've gotten used to the community and sometimes people have a hard time adjusting to the housing that is found for them 'cause they are so used to the community. I'm certain I will be fine when I get my housing and move out. I'd like everyone to know what a great service is provided here.

The reason why some people have difficulty is because they go from a large support system to living alone. After housing, people are allowed to still come here to visit, which is good. I hope I always do as good as I'm doing here. I was considered chronically homeless and now I almost couldn't imagine or can't believe that's how I used to live and it can be a little overwhelming at times.

I'm presently waiting for housing which might take another month. I've gone from sleeping in doorways to *almost* being a productive, taxpaying person. I realized my life wasn't the norm or acceptable and it was hard to realize something like that.


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